Original Song 'Concerts' Frequently Asked Questions
Go here to view current and past 'concerts'
1. Whatya trying to do with Original Song Concerts?
Our goal is to promote original music in and near Huntsville. 'Concerts' aren't actual concerts, but ways for us to showcase original music in an enjoyable and flexible way.
There are no fees for the musician. You must be an Huntsville area songwriter to be on the site and have a concert.
2. Do you take suggestions for Concerts?
Yes! If you've got an idea for a Concert, such as which musicians to showcase or how to 'frame' the concert (e.g., Musicians perform patriotic songs), let us know!
3. Are Concerts live or recorded?
We use existing You Tube videos for concerts****. Videos should have something of interest to look at. It need not be the actual performer. Having a static image doesn't suffice as that gets boring quite quickly! We do make exceptions, but in the end we have to balance the performer's interest with the need to entertain the audience.
**** Although concerts use youtube videos only, we can use a variety of formats on the website itself. Read our main FAQ to learn more.
4. How do I get my videos to you?
- If you are already a songwriter listed on our site, you can simply email us your you tube links. (EMail Parker here).
- If you are not on the site yet, it's best to use our form. That way, all bases will be covered and it will save us both time in the long run.
5. What else do you want?
In addition to videos of your original songs, we want to offer the viewing audience insight into the songwriter. You could do this by:
- Providing a video introduction to each song, typically 1 minute or less. You could explain, for example, your inspiration for writing each song. These videos can be seperate from the song videos, we will have them play on our end before each song. OR....
- Just a single introduction video up front. This can be longer.
******* We encourage you to be creative!!!! Be different! ******
6. How are Concerts marketed?
First, a big post will appear atop the HOM home page for a week. Second, we will place a Facebook post which will be "boosted" for several days. (Boosting is a paid advertisement).
7. What types of Concerts are possible? (Note: Be creative! Be different! These are just some of the possibilities:)
- Solo event: One musician plays several of his/her songs
- A 'Listen Local' style concert where a host has several musicians each play a song.
- An 'open mic' style show where the host plays a tune, followed by other musicians.
8. I'd like to host and set up a Concert. Can I? Does it cost?
Yes you can and no it doesn't. Get in touch!
9. Tell me more, tell me more...
You can You can read our full FAQ here